Made in the UAE


    Free Returns are available within 14 days of delivery. For full-priced items using single-payment credit cards, refunds will be processed 48 hours after receiving the items and will show up in your bank account within 5-7 business days depending on the bank processing time. You can also choose to receive your refund as a store voucher.

    You can request your return in 4 simple steps:

    1. Visit

    2. Create your return request and submit

    3. Download and print the shipping label from the tracking e-mail

    4. Place a label on your shipment and take it to your nearest DHL drop-off point

    Once we receive your return in our warehouse, we will let you know the processing and refund status within 48 hours. Please note that we can only accept returns for unworn items, returned with the tags on in the bag they were shipped in. 


    We unfortunately currently do not offer exchanges. However, you can return your products and make a new order.